Grit Trap Cleaning

Grit Trap Cleaning, If you need your Grit Traps Pumped then we are the ones to dump.
Call us today!

If your business involves cars and trucks in any way, you are probably well aware of grit traps and oil water separators. Whether you’re operating car or truck washes, repair service bays or both, you’ve most likely got traps underneath your facility catching all the suspended solids, paint, engine grease, motor oil and more, in other words, grit trap waste and that drips along with water from the vehicles you’re servicing. When your trap(s) become full, you’ll need to call for a vacuum truck and waste disposal service. Otherwise, you could well have wastewater overflowing into your facility, polluting the water supply in the public sewer system, or worse both!

Overflows are costly to clean up and pollution of our sewer system puts all of us at risk from a health standpoint. In addition, strict environmental regulations impose stiff fines on polluters. Anyway you look at it, it’s best for everybody to have your grit traps pumped clean of wastewater on a regular basis by an experienced liquid waste management company.

All Cen Tex Septic is here to help you. With our team of experts in waste collection and treatment, our large fleet of modern pumper trucks, and our multiple government-certified treatment facilities, we’ll make sure your traps are kept clean and safe. Your waste will be collected, treated and disposed of in absolute accordance with all government regulations and environmentally responsible principles.

Best of all, you’ll be doing your part to keep our precious water resources and wetlands safe for all of us. That’s something we can all feel good about.

Grease and Grit Traps Regulatory Tech

All Generators of liquid waste shall comply with Ordinance B-431, The purpose of this Ordinance
includes the regulation of the grease trap waste grit trap waste for the protection of the sanitary sewer
system and the environment.
All Generators of liquid waste should comply with the following:

1. Hazardous wastes, such as acids, strong cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, paint, solvents, or gasoline, should not be disposed of where it would go through grease traps or grit traps.
2. The transporter must present a Liquid Waste Transportation Trip Ticket (manifest) for you to complete BEFORE any waste is removed from your trap. You, as the generator, must be sure that the transporter writes down the number of gallons of waste removed.
3. The trip ticket must be signed by you (the generator) and the transporter at the time of waste removal.
4. The transporter should give you a copy of the trip ticket that is to be used as your receipt. You should retain this copy of the trip ticket until the completed record is returned from the transporter after waste has been delivered to the final disposal facility. The transporter should deliver the completed original trip ticket to Public Works no later than the tenth (10th) day of the month following the month in which they were completed. However, as the generator, you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that this trip is turned in to Public Works. In addition, the generator should retain a copy of the final record on the premises of the facility where the trap is located for a period of five years. All trip tickets should be stored where they will be readily available for examination by city staff.
5. As the generator, you are responsible for maintaining the traps in continuous proper working condition. The generator is responsible for inspecting, repairing, replacing, or installing apparatus and equipment, as necessary, to ensure proper operation and function at all times.
6. It is recommended that the generator should pump and clean grease traps at a minimum frequency of every 90 days, or more often as necessary to ensure proper function. Grit trap cleaning should be done annually, or more frequently as needed. Septic tanks should be pumped out as often as necessary to maintain their effectiveness and should be inspected at a minimum of once per year. The generator should supervise the cleaning and ensure that 100 percent of the trap’s contents are removed.
7. The generator should report all spills occurring during the collection of liquid wastes to Public Works within 24 hours.

Grit Trap Pumping
Grit Trap Pumping
Call All Cen Tex